As a Coach, I equip people to get in touch with their best selves

Coaching is essentially a confidential conversation between a coach and client within a safe environment. Coaching involves helping individuals access what they know. They may never have asked themselves the questions but they have the answers. A coach assists, supports and encourages individuals to find these answers.  Through various techniques such as listening, reflecting, asking questions and providing information, coachees become self- correcting (they learn how to correct their behaviour themselves) and self-generating (they generate their own questions and answers) Coaching is about asking the right questions to help you find the answers and solutions that best fit you.

How Val can support the client in the process...

First of all, each one of us needs to find out what we love to do, what we are tolerating in our lives as opposed to really enjoying and identify those obstacles or blocks that are preventing us from moving forward or changing our behaviour patterns. From there we develop and implement a strategic step by step action plan in order to achieve the desired outcome or goal. Throughout the process I support guide and encourage my clients keeping them focused on their goal and using my skills and personal experience I help my clients maintain confidence in their ability to create the life they want to live.

Benefits of Coaching

As such Coaching can facilitate increased personal awareness and personal growth.

When it comes to important life transitions such as a career change or a life crisis, you do not need to go it alone. Deepening our awareness of life and being conscious of the decisions we make facilitates our personal growth. If you are ready to make changes in any areas of your life, then coaching is for you.